India is in the middle of an unprecedented shift to mobile-based financial services. Investment is booming, with a new generation of start-ups serving a vast and previously untapped market.

We spoke to some of the leading figures in this industry-changing movement, from established major players to up and coming startups.

Until recently, financial investment in India has been the preserve of a tiny minority: overwhelmingly male, city-dwelling and wealthy.

The under-development of the financial system has not only denied millions the opportunity to increase their prosperity, it has also hampered the efficient allocation of capital within the economy, slowing growth and economic development.

While the old financial infrastructure is struggling to adapt to a rapidly-modernising India, an emerging generation of fintech pioneers is creating an entirely new financial ecosystem.

Not only are these innovations revolutionising and democratising investment in the subcontinent, they are serving as an inspiring model for all financial markets, whether developing or developed.

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